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The Avengers - Film Review

Home > Adelaide > Movie Reviews | Cinema
by Gregga J. Johnn (subscribe)
Life, Love & Liberty are what you make of them so continue, continue, continue . . . .
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Avengers Official Poster

For any comic book movie fan, the Avengers movie was a long awaited dream.

I, an avid movie addict, have lovingly enjoyed all the instalments leading up to this epic adventure, way back from when Eric Bana and Edward Norton donned the green skin, up to Kenneth Branagh's vision of Asgard, as it enthralled us into Thor-underous applause.

Avengers has appeal for all. A cast of solid heroes and leaders, both varied and unique, dialogue through great tragedy with aplomb and delight. There is not a single moment left without a comedic twist. My favourite funny line occurred mid-battle, when the triumphant Thor and Hulk take a moment to bask in their own glory - but there is only ever room for one at the top.

This movie is a top money maker for a number of reasons; a beautiful director's vision, brilliant performances by outstanding actors on every level, quick and witty dialogue, and a light-hearted approach to the darkest of moments. We, the audience, love to see triumph and laugh with those badass men and women who make it look so easy.

Plus there is a special treat for the die-hard fans who sit through the credits - a sneaky glimpse at the next instalment.

If you have not yet seen the Avengers - do so. If you have, do so, again - it is well worth it. I may even see it as many times as I saw "Thor" in the theatres (5x), after all, I love me some Loki!

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Why? For any comic book movie fan, the Avengers movie was a long awaited dream.
Where: In cinemas
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Cool article, thanks.
by Lexa T (score: 3|1070) 4053 days ago
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