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Home > Brisbane > Comments > The Appleton Ladies' Potato Race
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Well, I did go to see the play on Sunday afternoon and it was terrific! The script was really funny and the actors did an excellent job. The audience was really engaged and there were lots of laughs throughout. I can't recommend Appleton Ladies' Potato Race highly enough. I don't know if there are tickets left, but I can guarantee that if you love a good comedy you will enjoy yourself.
by cepar (score: 0|5) 259 days ago
by cepar (score: 0), 259 days ago
Yes, I did read it after I'd seen the play and you are right. I just prefer not to know too much about a play before I see it.
by Gemma Regan (score: 1), 259 days ago
I’m pleased you enjoyed it and if you read my review you will see I gave nothing away!