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IT IS AGAIST THE LAW TO ENTER THIS PREMISES YOU CAN BE ARRESTED IF YOU ARE CAUGHT AND ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK. This property belongs to its local council and you MUST get written permission from them first!
by Nessa123 (score: 2|173) 3936 days ago
by klaga (score: 1), 3725 days ago
So many good things are against the law...the law is an ass.
by Tom (score: 2), 3936 days ago
As I said in the article I did ask the rangers about it, and they told me as long as I wasn't vandalizing the place there no problem in me having a look around. It's only really when graffiti 'artists' and other low lifes go into abandoned places like these that the law will get involved. Sometimes you might get asked to leave, but that's as far as it would go if you're respectful.