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Erm, as someone new to Perth, none of these places were on my list of things you 'must' visit in the first place. And, yes, I did read lotsa websites and my old school Lonely Planet. Most things I've visited (and I haven't visited those cafes which are not tourist attractions in the first place) have been pretty much as expected. And I expect service and quality to be a little patchy in a small city. If I had to nominate an overhyped 'attraction' I'd nominate... E shed markets in Freo - same old stuff, all made in India or China, which you would find anywhere in the world.
by Victoria Button (score: 1|74) 4171 days ago
by reiki (score: 0), 4132 days ago
I totally agree with you. I had a store at E Shed for a few years, got sick of all the imported crap shops around me!! Nothing new, funky or exciting there at all.... someone ought to tell the management AGAIN!!