Ten Mini-Holiday-at-Home Ideas
If you're feeling frustrated about being stuck in the house, you're not alone. To prevent pulling your hair out, try taking a mini holiday at home.
First prepare yourself as if you're going away, for example, cook or buy a weekend's worth of special meals. Stock up your favourite magazines or maybe try some new ones, or books, ready for some light reading. Do all the urgent domestic chores, then do only the essentials for the time you've chosen to holiday at home. Here are some ideas.
Treat Your Feet
Spa-pamper your feet. Begin by soaking them in warm water. 'Wash' away the rough spots with a Heros foot treatment bar. Simply soap the bar and rub your feet. Finish with some pure lanolin and put on a pair of socks to let that soak in. Afterwards, you can clip your toenails and give them some polish. Heros chiropody bar can be bought from
Friendlies Pharmacy for under $10.
Dance Your Feelings
As a form of self-expression, moving according to your feelings can be very helpful. Choose a space in the house with some room. Don't plan what you will do, simply walk around in a circle moving according to your feelings. Music is optional. You can punch the air, make angular shapes with your body or twirl etc, whatever would express how you are feeling. If you are feeling creative you could go overboard and dress up as well. This can be a revealing exercise, plus get your circulation moving.
Seeing new things is important. Virtual travelling via the media is limited and virtually non-sensory. Maybe exploring your inner universe could be a new destination for you. Go places in your heart you've always been afraid to visit. Be honest with yourself about your fears, expectations and limitations. See what you can uncover.
Forget Yourself
Having said that, overly focussing on yourself can actually have a negative effect. Try doing something to bless someone else, like sending an e-card, or telling a friend how much you appreciate them. Have a cyber-coffee chat with someone and ask all about how their day is going. Reach out to someone in need. Donate to your favourite charity.
Sweet Treat
If like me, you tend to grab yourself an ice cream cone on holidays, why not treat yourself to some gourmet ice cream at home? Indulge your sweet tooth while taking in a movie.
Dream Holiday
Take your mind off negative influences and dream of fantasy holiday locations you can visit in the future. Put yourself in the picture as if actually there, in the ocean, lazing on the sand under the sun. Stand under a bracing waterfall. Feel the temperatures. Bring in all the sounds and textures of those places. Colour deprivation isn't great, so try to imagine lots of colour.
Reading Matters
Part of travelling often involves sitting and waiting until your transport arrives at the destination. And once there, people tend to read while they're away. It's time to dig out all those magazines you bought beforehand. Don't just leaf through, be thorough; you never know what you could learn.
Healthy Treats
Buy or cook before your holiday, some guilt-free healthy treats. You might be surprised to learn that your local health store has a dessert cabinet. Sugar-free cakes and tarts can be purchased for $6.95 from
Central Health Foods , Grand Central Shopping Centre.
Get Arty
Circular patterns called 'Mandalas', are easy to colour in or to draw and paint. Using a coffee cup, trace a circle onto paper. Add shapes and voila, your own personal Mandala. Get absorbed in colouring with pens, paint or just a biro.
Sound Off
A healthy emotional release can be achieved by simply making noises. Beginning with the vowel 'ah', lower the pitch of your voice, then with the same sound, raise the pitch. Take a deep breath before each sound. Lower to medium pitches work best. Make up a melody of prolonged notes. Use different vowel sounds. To get a laugh, try imitating some unusual animal sounds as well, for example, a
whale . Get the children involved. It will help you to relax.
96391 - 2023-06-12 02:41:23