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Tasty Stir Fry Recipe

Home > Adelaide > Recipes
by Mariam Alhazaa (subscribe)
I'm just your average Melbournian who knows how to have a great time in her home city. Vising my blog motivates you to love the small things this great city has to offer.
Published January 21st 2012
Wikimedia Commons

When I get home, I don't have the time to think about anything fancy to make. I just want to have food ready asap and sit in front of the TV and not use my brain.

Today, I've got just the right meal for you to cook if you're anything like I am. I stumbled across this accidentally after I made a few boo boos in the kitchen. It will take up 20 minutes to make which is pretty good for something that tastes amazing.

Ingredients: lamb, carrots, red capsicum stir-fry noodles, sesame seeds.


Step 1: Slice lamb, carrots and capsicum any way you want.

Step 2: Oil fry pan and place lamb and carrots. 3 minutes later, repeat with capsicum and add 1/2cup of water.

Step 3: Have noodles ready and add to pan 10-15 minutes later.

Step 4: Add 4 spoons of barbecue sauce, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, pinch of pepper and 1 spoon sesame seeds.

Step 5: Serve onto plate and eat.

Note: the quantity of lamb and veggies is all up to you depending on how hungry you are and how many people you plan to feed.

Now you must sit, relax and think of nothing else for the rest of the night.
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Why? A fast and easy dinner
Where: At home
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