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Apologies in advance re comment, which isn't really related to Country Notes. It is however looking to find the contact details of a family that reside approx. 15km toward Kapunda in a red tin roof house and have a very distinct vehicle ie a preloved F.J. Holden Holden ute parked near their front gate. Husband and I were driving through Aug/Sept last year, the weather was very enclimate so had made the decision not to stop. It would be appreciated if any kind resident that would have any knowledge of the owner if you wouldn't mind passing this on, and asking if they wouldn't mind contacting us on the following - [email protected] We have owned F.J.'s since the mid 1960's and still have five (one of which is a stretched version) and one which belongs to our son. Many thanks, Chris
by memor (score: 0|2) 2294 days ago