Tang: Treasures of the Silk Road Capital
Sat 09 Apr 2016 - Sun 10 Jul 2016
The Art Gallery of New South Wales is currently showing a special exhibition of unique artefacts from the Tang Dynasty (618-907). This was a period in China of vibrant expression in fashion, art and music.
The exhibition includes works from 11 Chinese institutions and 135 rare objects, some never seen outside of China. These treasures demonstrate the expert craftsmanship and creative designs that stemmed from the international trade route known as the Silk Road.
European Traders on the Silk Road found a large diversity of items, exchanging silk, ceramics, glass, precious metals, ivory, gems, herbs, exotic animals and livestock. It was a thriving artisan metropolis that exuded great wealth and colour.
This exhibition also includes entry into the Pure Land reality installation. Take a journey inside the life-sized reconstruction of the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang (Caves of the Thousand Buddhas). With the assistance of iPads, you can discover ancient statues and art murals telling the story of the vows of the Medicine Buddha.
This is a one of a kind exhibition, running for three months.
Exhibition Details
Location: Art Gallery of NSW
Dates: 9 April – 10 July 2016
Hours: Open daily 10am–5pm, Wednesdays until 10pm
!date 09/04/2016 -- 10/07/2016
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