Sydney Flower Market

Sydney Flower Market


Posted 2014-01-26 by GiGi GMV follow
What to do on the Australia Day long weekend?

How about visiting the at Homebush for some fresh cut flowers for your home?

Primarily the only supplies to florists, but the market is open to the general public on Saturdays.

Why would you want to travel all the way to Homebush for some flowers?

Well, an incentive is that you can get florist quality flowers at wholesale price. In addition, there is the adjacent Sydney Market where you can do your early morning shopping afterwards.

Convenient and a very fun experience.

Be warned: Take a shopping trolley or your super-size shopper bags, the price is so cheap and you will not have enough hands to carry everything!

The starts early at 5am and closes at 11am. Be sure to set your alarm clocks so you don't miss out.

The market was buzzing with roaring trades today. The long congested queue at the entrance was trying our patience, but the reward after we found a parking space was very sweet indeed.

Yes, you saw it right - a$2 per pot plant!

That was what greeted us when we first entered the large market hall. Not your normal retail $12, but $2!

Excited shoppers were deciding, not which one to get, but how many to get!

Look at all the beautiful row upon rows of fresh roses in all shapes, scents and different shade of colours, all wrapped ready to go.

This place buzzes with great energy. I think I will enjoy this morning immensely.

I got out my coin purse - all cash sale here!

We did a lap around the hall first, looking at what's on offer and planning our floral arrangements. The vendors were friendly and will say anything to do a sale.

I was looking at an unknown bunch of flowers, the vendor approached and said "That is Belladonna just like you! Will last for a week." The dainty pinkish white flowers just looked beautiful soaking up the sunlight, emitting a light sweet scent. Without too much thought, I paid for it and it's coming home with me!

Money changed hands fast and the vendors were not shy from yelling. In fact, they seemed to compete with each other for the lowest price.

If you buy multiple bunches, most would be willing to do a deal for you. If not, you can find ways to negotiate. It is definitely a buyer's market here. You get to call all the shots!

The car seat - occupied by many many armful of pretties.
This morning I fulfilled my dream being a florist.

We've got some long stem roses, lilies, sunflowers, orchids and oriental bamboos and definitely did not break the bank.

A fabulous market to get some nice flowers for the upcoming Valentine's Day, birthdays or any special occasions.

The loose coins in my purse beckoned to be spent. So we headed to the Sydney Market and see what fruits & vegs are on specials.

Apparently, everything is on special!

Mostly all box sales. A box of apples for $8, the further you walked in, the more you wondered about the premium price we pay at Coles & Woolworths.

It was like a shouting match in here and you can find some exotic fruits and vegetables here too. At one stage we were so curious, we stopped another shopper to enquire about the large bunch of exotic greens she was purchasing.

Boxes of peaches, cherries, mangoes, tomatoes, eggplants were walking out of the doors faster than you can say 'how much?'

Now I fully understand the term 'Cash n Carry.'

You can hire a trolley cart for $5 to carry all of your purchases, but most shoppers brought their own trolley bag.

We were at the Sydney Market for the entire morning. Thank goodness it is free parking on Saturdays, otherwise it's $10 parking fee.

A very fun rewarding morning.

If you still have more money jumping inside your pocket wanting to move on, there is the DFO (Direct Factory Outlet) where you can do some serious damage.

We were too hungry, so we went searching for a good feed instead.

148956 - 2023-06-14 02:25:14


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