Sunshine Beach Run 2018

Sunshine Beach Run 2018


Posted 2017-12-15 by finyfollow

Sun 18 Feb 2018

This is going to be a FUN event when some of the members of the West Coast Eagles run for the 7th annual Sunshine Beach Run in support of Red Nose!

There is a choice of three "walks" or "runs" and these are:

  • Walk or run 1 km
  • Walk or run 3 km
  • Walk or run 5 km

  • This is the only beach run this summer to support Red Nose education and counselling services for Western Australian families who are suffering due to the death of a child as a result of either miscarriage, stillbirth, or sudden unexpected death in infancy.

    The highlights and prizes for this event include:

  • Prizes for race winners
  • Prize for largest fundraiser (Princess Cruise valued at $2,000)
  • Free sports massage after race
  • Celebrity sprint race
  • Celebrity Ambassadors: West Coast Eagles Jack Darling and Mark LeCras
  • Professional Boxer Renae Wauhop

    There will be "angel tribute wings" available, and on these, you are able to write a personal message and wear it in the run to remember your lost one. Teams, families and individuals can dedicate their 2018 Sunshine Beach Run experience to a family who has experienced the loss of a child.

    Participants will be able to collect their angel wing tribute card from the Community Newspaper Group stand on event day, write a personal message on it and pin it to their back during the event.

    When the event finishes, you can pin your angel wings to the "tribute wall" near the main stage as a very personal message of remembrance.

    There will also be children's activities including:
  • Bouncy castle
  • Water slide
  • Face painting

  • [b]EVENT TEES**
    Last year the moisture wicking, UVP35 event tees sold out, so make sure you add one when you register.

    The last date to order these tee shirts through the online registration system is midnight Sunday 4th February 2018. No event tees will be available after this date.

    [b]RACE BIBS**
    All runners and walkers need to pin their race number on the front of their top before going to the start line. If you do not have a race bib, you will not be permitted to commence in the event.

    There will also be food vendors there should you want to buy something to eat, and there will be drink stations on the course and at the finish line.

    This year, Sunshine Beach Runners will have the opportunity to cheer on some of Perth's ELITE sporting personalities as they compete against the "best of the best" sprinters from the local business community, Christ Church Grammar School sprint champ and some other mystery [i]"Perth-onalities".[/i]

    You will need to be on the beach from 7:45 am for the 2nd annual battle of the beach for the perpetual Perkin memorial beach sprint trophy.

    The Red Nose Grief and Loss website was developed with over 40 years' experience in supporting grieving individuals and families.

    They, therefore, understand the sudden or unexpected death of a baby or young child is one of the most difficult experiences any parent will ever have to face. You can access this site here.

    Annually, approximately 3,200 Australian families experience the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or child and Red Nose help with world-class research, in the hope that eventually there will be an end to this type of death.

    Red Nose relies on the generosity of the community through Red Nose Day and other fundraising events. Our Grief and Loss services and Indigenous programmes are partly funded by Commonwealth and State Governments.

    Although your registration fee goes a long way to help, Red Nose provide services to families who have lost a child, individual giving is where the greatest benefit is received.

    In 2018, Organisers are asking each participant to raise a mere $10 or families to raise $100 to reach their Sunshine Beach Run fundraising goal! Create your own Everyday Hero fundraising page here.

    Challenger Parade
    City Beach

    Sunday 18th February, 2018

    7:55 am – Celebrity sprint race
    8:30 am – 5 km walk & run
    8:45 am – 3 km walk & run
    9:00 am – 1 km walk & run
    9:35 am – Raffle winner announced
    9:45 am Placegetter prize presentation
    9:45 am Mylee Manning Award of Recognition
    10:00 am Largest individual fundraiser presentation
    10:05 am – Largest teams prize presentations
    10:00 am – Official event close

    Children from $20, and you can see complete prices here .

    Register now to avoid disappointment, and you can do this at this link.

    This year, participants can add event registration refund insurance to their entry for an additional 10% of their entry fee.

    This policy cover provides eligible participants cover against injury, illness, job loss, transport mishaps and many other exposures that could prevent them attending the event. There are, however, exclusions.

    #family -attractions
    !date 18/02/2018 -- 18/02/2018
    148067 - 2023-06-14 01:17:44


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