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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Summer Sundays at Beaumont House
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We went on Sunday and were surprised and disappointed to find that after we'd paid $10 for the two of us to get in, only the grounds were open and not the house. Lovely surroundings and it was a pleasant atmosphere, but we felt a bit cheated when you can't even see what you just helped contribute to the maintenance of. We overheard other people who had paid to get in, only to find out when reaching the house that it wasn't open, also expressing dismay. There was nothing to indicate the house was closed for some unforeseen reason, so after wandering around for a bit trying to figure out if we'd made a mistake, we left.
by Pynylopy (score: 1|42) 3066 days ago
by Pynylopy (score: 1), 3065 days ago
Hi Dave, please don't think I'm knocking your article. We just wanted to let others know that National Trust SA is NOT "opening Beaumont House and gardens" as stated.
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3066 days ago
Thanks for your feedback. It's a pity that you couldn't see the house too. I think that the article makes clear that the main attractions were in the garden though.