Summer Sessions
Fri 01 Nov 2019 - Fri 20 Mar 2020
When I think of summer, I think of warm days in my garden or driving along backcountry roads looking for ruins to photograph, but the ultimate South Australian way to start a great summer weekend is Friday evening at a Summer Session.
Summer is here and summer sessions are back and there is nowhere better than the
Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club , 246 Esplanade, Seacliff to kick back with great food and drink, watching the sun go down over the horizon.
Every Friday, from November to March from 4.30 pm to 8 pm, join the crew at Mariner's Bar for dinner and drinks and great live acoustic music from 6.30 pm. Enjoy sounds from Pat Ramm, Ben Ford-Davis, Michaela Smith, Ben Smith, Brett Tasker, Sofia Torchia, Kathy Pike and Gene Phoa. The bar opens at 4.30 pm and the food is served from 5.30 pm.
There is a great
summer menu including steaks, fish and chips, salt and pepper squid, schnitzel and burgers with some great gluten free and vegetarian options. Kids are welcome and eat free on Friday nights between 5.30 pm and 6.30 pm and enjoy a small drink and ice cream cup when an adult main meal is also ordered.
If you love the atmosphere but sailing is not your thing, then become a social member for $20 per year to enjoy members prices at the bar and 10% discount on Thursday and Friday night meals.
!date 01/11/2019 -- 20/03/2020
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