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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Sully's on Semaphore Cafe
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Have you been to places like Bar 9, Paddys Lantern, Coffee Branch, The Loose Caboose, The Pantry, The Coffee barun - these places are serious about coffee. Sullys is a great little cafe but best Coffee might be stretching it
by katie (score: 0|4) 3767 days ago
by VTN (score: 2), 3767 days ago
Thanks for you post Katie!
You sound like you know coffee! I can't say I have any expertise however!
I must admit, out of those places you've mentioned, I've only been to Bar 9. Their coffee is definitely good. Something about Sully's nutty aftertaste makes me prefer it more though. All my opinion of course!
Must give those other places you mentioned a go when I have time!