Suitcase Stories
Sat 26 Sep 2015
Blackwood Circle of Friends for Refugees presents performed by Bronnie James, on Saturday 26th September, 11am-12pm.
Aimed for children aged between 2 - 7 years old, this hilarious, national play celebrates the cultural diversity of Australia.
There are eight different people from eight different countries, and each one has a tale to tell:
Eliza Delaney from Ireland, a pioneer of early settlement
Afifa, the footballing Lebanese legend
Anna Petrovna, the batty Russian ballerina
Zhou, the Chinese girl with a yen for disco dancing
Danke, the Dutch girl
Beth Barry, a ten-pound Pom
Bardi, a blackfella with a yarn about dream-time and the impact of white settlement.
And finally there's Vittoria, the Italian nurse with a great heaving bosomfull of ice cream, tears and motherly love.
This great play helps us discover the legacy of those who have gone before and to savour the flavours of those newly arrived.
Showing across Australia, the play has received raving reviews:
"...a huge success and very much enjoyed by all."
Lynn Murtha, teacher, Cannington Community College.
"The best incursion we've ever had. Bravo!"
Esme Pashley, teacher, Parkwood Primary.
The cost is just $5 per child, $10 per adult, $20 for a family, and there is a lucky door prize too.
Whilst tickets are available on the door, it's best to book in advance to avoid disappointment.
!date 26/09/2015 -- 26/09/2015
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