5 Suggestions for Beating Post-Christmas Blues

5 Suggestions for Beating Post-Christmas Blues


Posted 2014-01-07 by Happy Momfollow
This is that time of the year when most people around the world have partied it out and have already returned or preparing to return to real life i.e. work/school. For those who can't wait to get back into Christmas mode all over again, there is a period of almost 11 months to count down and they may be feeling a bit blue.

Although the credit card invoices, which are rolling in just about now, should act as an automatic deterrent to think about the next spending season, especially for those who have overspent during the season (which was meant to be jolly), here are some propositions to lift the spirits for those who are feeling a little "blah" post-party:

1. Gifts Galore
Christmas is not only a time of giving gifts, it is also a time of receiving gifts. For the fortunate amongst us who received what we wished for, now is the time to actually enjoy them. I always hope to receive gift cards for shopping and activities, which means that the month of January becomes very exciting as I head out and about "spending" my gifts. For those who did not get the gifts they wished for, perhaps this is a good time to explore some options on auction sites and try to make some extra cash by passing on the treasures to others who might actually want the items. Instead of making these unwanted items a source of gloom, make them a source of household income boom.

2. Summer
What I love about the festive season in Australia is that it comes about in the summer season. Even when the parties are over, we still have a lot of summer activities to look forward to. Australia Day is right around the corner and a plethora of events are being hosted in different parts of the nation. This is a great time to travel and explore this beautiful country as the children are also on holidays. A trip to the beach (or pool) on a hot day is a must. Many places, such as zoos, have free access for children during holidays. Summer flicks are a must do on my list. Catching up with a friend or two is a great idea too. Making the most of the summer is the best way to lift your spirits high.

3. Resolutions
January is a time of resolutions, new ones and renewed ones. Use this month to plan how you will attain your resolutions. Make a calendar for the whole year and state the activities for each month that will help you achieve those goals. Technology can help you stay motivated. There are hundreds of apps that can help you track your progress on whatever your resolution is, for example, "MyQuitCoach" to quit smoking, "MapMyFitness" to track exercise, "DailyCost" to help with financial fitness (and getting back on track with savings for the next Christmas season), and so many more. Register yourself in a course that you have always wanted to do. Learn a new language. Keep your mind busy because you already know what an idle mind is home to.

4. Pamper yourself
The festive season can get quite busy with shopping sprees, social events, hosting parties, etc. and perhaps your body is feeling a bit neglected. It's a proven fact that a little bit of pampering goes a long way in feeling good about yourself. Get a massage or hairstyle change, pamper your hands and feet with a manicure/pedicure, visit the dentist for a fresh clean feel perhaps. All or any of these will lift you up on cloud 9 in no time again. You definitely deserve it.

5. Meditation
If neither of these suggestions are hitting the target for you, then you need some therapy and the therapy I am suggesting is meditation (not medication). Clear your mind of post-Christmas blues and anything else that might be clogging those neurons, keeping you awake at nights and just making it a tad bit harder to pass another day. Meditation is something we may want to incorporate into our daily routines even if everything is going smoothly to detox our mind and soul.

One tip that is not very original but has been passed on to me by my elders and has always proven to lift me up is to count my blessings and be grateful. Make a Blessings Jar and write one thing that you are grateful for every day. At the end of the year, there will be 365 reasons to smile about.

Once you are out of this "blue" zone and get busy with the routine of life, the party season that has just passed will become more and more of a distant memory and the next festive reason will be less and less of a mirage.

Wishing everyone around the world a lovely year ahead.

88863 - 2023-06-11 07:59:28


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