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Home > Adelaide > Comments > SteamRanger Rhythm and Rail Open Day
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Another fine article Dave.Pity though,steam train enthusiasts,tourists etc. have to go to Mt.Barker now to board the train.Patrons now unfortunately,miss out on the stretch through Mitcham to Mt.Barker,which some say is the finest stretch of all.No better time to see the green , green hills,with clouds of smoke and the sound of steam.I wonder how many tourists from intersate and overseas take this trip?I imagine very few,because of the travel involved to Mt.Barker!
by noelp (score: 3|1201) 2915 days ago
by deidr7 (score: 0), 2914 days ago
It is a great article. Pity about your complaint of that huge 25 minute drive to mount barker! It is hardly a long drive for an event.
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 2915 days ago
Yes I agree Noel, it would be fantastic to be able to catch a train up there too. I lived next to Blackwood station for a while, and thought that the steam engines would never stop coming.