Stay Sane in Lockdown Checklist

Stay Sane in Lockdown Checklist


Posted 2020-04-27 by Nadine Cresswell-Myattfollow

Staying at home should be a bonus. Time to do all those jobs you have been putting off forever. Cupboards cleaned. Garden seeded. Some of us have even tried to work from home. I know, I have tried to write. Others do their day jobs.

But lots of people I know are feeling a certain malaise. They started off at speed and have slowed down. It is becoming more difficult to concentrate, to put in a full effort.

It makes sense. Our minds are elsewhere. It's a difficult time. I mean it's a "have you heard the news today, oh boy?" kind of time. Our minds have so much to process. It zaps our energy.

We are not absolutely sure when life will return to normal or whether it will ever return to the normal we once knew.

And not knowing how long we might be in lockdown, the little things we do seem to take forever. It's a kind of mental go slow. It's Parkinson's Law - work expands to fill the time available for its completion. And we have all day.

Some of us get lost in a time zone. Wasting too much time on social media. Turning day into night and night into day.

While I am all for setting goals and accomplishing things I am starting to realise that at this stage in lockdown, the best things to achieve are not so much goals, but the simple things that keep us sane and grounded.

So that when one reaches the end of the day one feels less stressed, I think if you can accomplish even five of the following items, you have had a successful day as they are the items that will make you feel more grounded.

You could print it out and check off the items a the end your day. It will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Started the day by jotting down three things you are grateful for

A soothing shower

"Remembered to take medications or vitamins" unchecked>Remembered to take medications or vitamins

Drank water

Cleaned one thing in your daily living space

Tended something living

Got at least 15 minutes of sunshine. Sunlight synthesises Vitamin D, which experts believe is a mood elevator

Was mindfully present to a sound or a song, something you saw or engaged in some kind of spiritual practice

That you reached out to a human who lives outside your home (as via Zoom, or a phone call)

That you moved your body in some way

Did one thing you'll be glad you did later

Did one thing just because you wanted to. (This is where Netflix and hobbies come into play)

Got in one good laugh (there's a reason behind those funny memes and jokes people send you. Laughter helps reduce anxiety. Have you thought to brighten someone's day by passing them on?)

My thanks to Fiona Jane for a few of these helpful ideas.

85200 - 2023-06-11 07:05:39


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