Star Trek: Voyager - Series Review

Star Trek: Voyager - Series Review


Posted 2022-06-15 by PerthKelfollow
Star Trek: Voyager is a TV series set in the future when space travel is just another form of travel and Earth is one of a number of inhabited planets throughout the galaxy. Voyager is the first series in the Star Trek universe that has a female commanding officer - Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew).

Voyager originally aired from January 1995 til May 2001, lasting for 172 episodes over its seven seasons. The pretext of the series was that whilst searching for a group of Maquis rebels in an area known as the Badlands, the USS Voyager is thrust to the far side of the Milky Way. Going from the Alpha Quadrant, over 70,000 light years away to the Delta Quadrant and then gets stranded there.

The Maquis are forced to join the crew of the Voyager and together they begin the long journey home to Earth, which even at the ship's maximum speed would take at least 70 years to complete. This leads to an interesting prospect - how will they manage that when most of them would die within that timeframe.....

Since the Delta Quadrant was a new area of space in the Star Trek world, it opened up many possibilities for new worlds and new species. Some of these new species even joined the Voyager crew - a Talaxian named Nelix (Ethan Phillips), an Ocampa named Kes (Jennifer Len) and a Borg named Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan). Some of the other new species included Kazon, Vidiians, Hirogen and Species 8472. There is also the occasional visit from a familiar face Q (John de Lancie).

Voyager also introduced another new concept for the crew - a holographic Doctor (Robert Picardo). For the first few seasons, the Doctor (he never did pick a name) was stuck to the med bay or the holodecks - being a hologram and all. There was the occasional experiment to install holo-emitters in other parts of the ship, but eventually - after a time travel trip - the Doctor gets himself a mobile-emitter, allowing him to travel throughout the ship and off it.

The journey is not without its turmoils and tragedies - there are traitors and semi-regular characters are killed. There is also a couple of babies born onboard and the crew liberates a small group of children from the Borg - who become valued members of the crew.

The two-hour finale of the show starts in the future after Voyager has made it back to Earth after a number of years and more tragedies onboard. The older Janeway has decided that wasn't acceptable and wants to go back in time to help her 'family' make it home sooner. The way that last show was written, leaves you guessing right up to the end about if they actually get home - especially when you throw the Borg Queen into the mix!

It's a long time commitment to watch 172 episodes, but the adventure is the reason you get into shows like this - and it's well worth it. I've watched the show a few times now and will watch it again in the future, which shows how much I enjoy it.

83422 - 2023-06-11 06:41:39


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