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James, have you tried vanilla slice at Pat-A-Cake? - I frequent the one at Malvern. There is one closer to you on The Parade. Mmm... that's one of my favorite places for vanilla slice.
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3|1596) 3861 days ago
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3), 3860 days ago
I'll only know whether I'll be able to make it once a date, time and place have been set. I already have a couple of Christmas dos to attend in Dec. It would be nice to meet other Adelaide writers.
by James Newcombe (score: 2), 3861 days ago
Hi Yin Yin,
I haven't tried the vanilla slice at Pat-a-cake but I hear they are a very good bakery.....will have to check them out. Are you going to the Adelaide WN writers pre-Christmas catch up?