Spy - Film Review

Spy - Film Review


Posted 2015-06-13 by TheOnlyFionafollow

Love it if you love Melissa McCarthy. Spy is the story of an underdog communications analyst (spy tech support) becoming a superspy. The underdog's partner is the star spy of the agency. The underdog was (not really) happy playing second fiddle. Something happens to the partner and the underdog is forced to step up. They do and they shine. Throw in exotic locations and evil villains to round out the story.

It's a good story but would be an instantly forgettable film if it was another male comedian playing the lead. We already have many of those films. Change the underdog to a female comedian and everything changes. Tina Fey, Amy Poehler or Julia Louis-Dreyfus would have made the film but Melissa McCarthy creates so many more unexpected gags. McCarthy is funny but she doesn't fit into Hollywood's thin standards. Yet it's not a long running fat joke that makes this film good.

McCarthy's character is Susan Cooper.She's the voice in star spy Bradley Fine's ear. She tells him when to duck and where the exit is. Jude Law could really be James Bond. When Law's character gets in trouble Susan is more than determined to take on the role of field agent.

Yet poor Susan has everything stacked against her. She's too nice and everyone brushes her off. Being an official agent doesn't change things, and no one takes her seriously. Susan gets the cringe worthy fake IDs and even worse gadgets. The office bullying is a gag in itself. So when she stops being a nice pushover, it's both great and funny.

The real breakout star is Jason Statham. He is hilarious as Rick Ford, the spy who's going to save everything while Fine is out of action. Ford suavely accomplishes things that Susan can't, however he always manages to slip up. All of his mishaps are scene stealers. It's totally unexpected from an actor who's more likely to play a hitman in an action movie.

Spy is the unexpected comedy. It gives genuine laughs and takes new comedy angles on the spy genre. This is a feel good movie; a homage to James Bond films with a twist.

87793 - 2023-06-11 07:43:25


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