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Try the Abandoned Fremantle Power station, or the abandoned Mansion in Ellenbrook. They make you feel quite uneasy at night time.
The best/scariest by far was the abandoned mental asylum near the new one. Last time I went there there was a can rolling UP hill.. bloody creepy!
by Tom (score: 2|798) 3991 days ago
by mar33 (score: 0), 2708 days ago
The Mansion has been bulldozed

The boy was the son of the owners and he didn't drown there. He drowned in the river near Guildford where he was a student.
The school has a sporting award named after him.
by kebab (score: 0), 3474 days ago
yes, I second that motion!
please, this is for research purposes only.
by flick (score: 0), 3728 days ago
I've been to the ellenbrook mansion and it is quite creepy... Especially the dead tree in the middle of the lake. When I was there we heard footsteps, and apparently a young girl go hung on the tree, you can also see a rope on the tree hangin all the way to the ground. You can't get to tree because it is on a little island in the middle of the lake but when I was there me and a couple of friends were throwing rocks at the tree and one nearly hit it but as soon as a rock got close the rock would turn and go another way totally avoiding the tree. Also apparently a little boy drowned in the pool.. I haven't been to lots of haunted placed but that by far is the creepiest. It must have been a really nice house but it's not in shape anymore lots of it has been torn down by people going in there or there is lots of graffiti
by benja (score: 0), 3900 days ago
Could you let me know where that is i would like to have a look there