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Spicy Tempura Prawn Sushi Roll Recipe

Home > Sydney > Food and Wine | Recipes
Published July 10th 2012
Wikimedia Commons

Fancy a tempura prawn roll, with a twist? Make this delicious recipe at home!

2 sushi rolls : 2 snacks / 1 meal

Preparation Time
30 minutes


1/2 cup Sushi rice
1 tsp Sushi Seasoning
1 tbsp Japanese style or whole egg mayonnaise
1/4 Carrot, grated
1/4 Cucumber, sliced
1/4 Avocado, sliced
2 'Ocean House Hot N Spicy' frozen tempura prawns
Seaweed wrap
[Optional] Pickled ginger


Oscillating fan
Bamboo mat


1/ Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

2/ Put 1/2 cup of sushi rice in a saucepan. Add 3/4 cup water, cover and let it cook over a low heat for 20 minutes.

3/ Grease a small oven tray and add the prawns. Slip it into the oven and leave for about 25 minutes.

4/ Once the rice is cooked, transfer it to a small bowl in front of an oscillating fan. Once the rice is cool, add your sushi seasoning.
In the mean-time, remove the prawns from the oven and set them aside.

5/ Lay seaweed over bamboo mat. In a small bowl, combine another tsp of seasoning and some water to wet your fingers with. Take the rice in your hands and smooth it over the seaweed.

6/ Arrange the carrot, cucumber, avocado and ginger on the rice, leaving about 1cm space between it and the edge of the rice. Smear mayonnaise across the top and then add your prawns.

7/ Roll sushi using bamboo mat. Be sure to tighten the mat around the sushi, rolling it against the table until it's tight and in tact.

8/ Then, make a smooth cut in the middle, between the two prawns, creating two rolls. Serve with soy sauce. Enjoy.
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Why? Delicious, healthy, and easy
Where: Your kitchen
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