Songs About Sweat

Songs About Sweat


Posted 2025-01-18 by Steven Gfollow
In Australia, it is currently the middle of summer, and so that means it is hot. I have done columns on summer, heat and being hot, so was wondering what to do for this year; a friend suggested songs about sweating, if I had enough.

Do I have enough? Well, do I? In fact, yes, I do.

I was going to include ‘perspiration’ and ‘swelter’ as well, but have no songs with those words in the title, so this is just sweating.

With that in mind, here are songs about sweat.

Image by Taco Fleur from Pixabay

Sweat is often a euphemism for naughty times, but can also be used to indicate hard work or worry. It doesn’t matter. At the moment, it means it is too hot to go outside. And no songs about “sweaters” either. Not in summer!

The normal rules apply: the song title must include “sweat”, one song per artist, one version of each song, no live only releases, I need to like the song. They are listed in chronological order, the date of first release, either as single or the home album. These are not just charting singles, but songs from my collection that fulfil the requirement and that I like.

Here are 10 songs about Sweat!

Working Up A Sweat’ by Alice Cooper (1973)

Let’s start this list with early Alice Cooper, not really taking himself seriously – which has carried on to this day – and just producing fun rock and roll. Muscle Of Love is an under-rated album.

Cold Sweat’ by Thin Lizzy (1983)

From the end of the Thin Lizzy canon (at least, with Phil Lynott), this song rocks harder than a lot of their more blues-based earlier works. This was my introduction to the band, and from this I went back and discovered an amazing discography. So, yes, I have a soft spot for this one.

Sweat’ by Oingo Boingo (1983)

An album track from one of my favourite weird pop bands of the 1980s, this song is rockier than most of the songs in their oeuvre. And it is always good to have an excuse to put one of their tracks in a list.

I Sweat’ by Kool & The Gang (1989)

A song I have on a compilation album from the time (most K&tG songs I have are from earlier in their career), and one that didn’t grow on me until later on when I became an aerobics instructor and used this as part of my music mix.

Gonna Make You Sweat’ by C + C Music Factory (1990)

This came out during my nightclub years, and even now, whenever I hear it, I just want to dance or at least tap my feet. The singing of pop music stalwart Martha Wash is incredible (and, like so often, she doesn’t appear in the music video – someone else just lip-synch her incredible vocals), and she should be feted more.

What You See Is What You Sweat’ by Aretha Franklin (1991)

The album this is the title track of did not do well for Aretha, but after the overtly 80s pop she released the previous decade, I quite liked this release, and this song is one of the better from the collection.

The Sun Never Sweats’ by Spinal Tap (1992)

An album cut from Break Like The Wind, this is another of their many subtle parodies of the hard rock genre. Not laugh-out-loud funny, but one that makes the listener think less of some of the other songs in the genre.

Sweat It Out’ by Jimmy Barnes (1993)

Trying to pin Barnes down to one musical style in the 1990s was nigh-on impossible. He tried a bit of everything, and this is from his harder rock phase, and the under-rated album Heat. I think it was even released as a single from that collection.

Sweat (A La La La La Long)’ by Inner Circle (1993)

1990s reggae, with a laid-back and relaxed feel, about a topic that is rather naughty, this song was unavoidable for a while there. It was everywhere, and that at the height of the grunge explosion. It was different at a time when we were looking for differences.

Sweat’ by The All-American Rejects (2017)

A song I only heard because I saw the video on one of those music TV programmes, and it just captured my attention, so I managed to find a copy of the single. Pop-rock, it is just a fun song, and a fine way to end this list.

Why the 1990s are so over-represented here, I have no idea, but maybe there was a lot to sweat about in that decade. Still, these ten songs represent a few different musical styles and is something to listen to while drinking something cold this summer.

Hope you enjoyed this one!


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