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Solve a Crossword Puzzle

Home > London > Hobbies
by Matthew (subscribe)
WEN Editor
Published January 25th 2011
Just about everyone enjoys sitting down and flicking through the pages of a random magazine or newspaper. Chances are that you'll find a crossword puzzle. These tend to be located towards the end of the daily newspaper and on trivia sections of magazines. So if you've got the motivation to challenge your mental faculties, get stuck into a crossword puzzle.

Below the actual puzzle are the clues that appear according to number. Try not to tackle crossword puzzles in that order. This is because many crossword puzzles don't list their clues according to down and across. You may start at the top of the clues list, find the correct answer for your first piece of the puzzle (it could be across, for instance) and then immediately find that your next clue is for a down word.

Examine all the clues and determine which one is easier - across or down words. If most of the across words are easier, stick to those; if you find that the majority of the clues for down words are dead giveaways, give those a shot. Once letters fill the boxes, you'll often find that the other form becomes easier.

Consult a crossword dictionary, for this helps to minimise the degree of brainstorming.

Don't just settle for crossword puzzles that you find in magazines and newspapers. Thanks to the internet, a lot of crossword puzzles varying in size and shape can be played online or purchased.

Solve a Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle
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Why? Intelligence through brainstorming
When: Anytime
Where: Anywhere
Cost: Free/depending on purchase
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