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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Skyzone VS Bounce: Which Indoor Trampoline Park Should You Visit?
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You forgot to mention the qualities of the trampolines, I went to both and at skyzone you get more air than bounce. Skyzones technique of their special spring system makes it a more safe and fun environment. The area may be a bit smaller than bounce but whats the point of attempting your big skills without much jump. Doing your skills matters about control so more area dosent mean much. but besides that good work
by almst (score: 0|2) 3223 days ago
by Toni Megan (score: 2), 3222 days ago
I suppose I am an amateur jumper and for me a bigger landing area is more important, as I'm likely to fall quite a bit when attempting a flip. I can agree however that those who are competent jumpers would like that better spring. Good point.