SkyJump and SkyWalk at Sky Tower
What better way to celebrate being in another country than jumping off one of its monuments? Skyjump allows you to do just that.
Auckland Sky Tower, located in the centre of Auckland, at 328 metres in height, is the tallest manmade construction in the Southern hemisphere. With three observation decks, you're treated to an amazing panoramic view of all the beautiful landscapes Auckland has to offer. Not only that but, with glass as thick as the concrete the tower is made of, you are able to stand in the observation deck and look
straight down. Having the mindset to do so is another matter entirely.
Rather than gamble in the Sky City Casino below, yours truly decided to up the stakes and gamble with
my life. Having seen the likes of Beyoncé and One Direction take the plunge in the past, I was pretty sure I was in safe hands.
Due to its popularity, it is essential to book. Operating between 10am and 6pm daily, chances are you won't really have to wait long. For $195, you're garbed up in a Skyjump suit, taken up 192 metres, secured and, basically, you step right off the side of the Tower.
More of a controlled base jump the free fall, you plummet to Earth in the space of 11 seconds which is more than enough time to take in the amazing views of Auckland City. Even better, you get to watch it all back thanks to the GoPro strapped to your wrist.
For an additional $30, you can purchase the footage on USB along with a certificate of your completion featuring your name and photos of you in your Skysuit. Not only that but, you get 24 hours of access to the observation deck, a voucher to jump again at a discounted price and a discount jump coupon to give a family member or friend.
All in all, it was an unforgettable, adrenaline filled experience. The staff were amazing, efficient, well trained and very organised/safety conscious. For anyone who's a bit of a thrill seeker or daredevil, I cannot urge you enough to take the leap. Pun intended.
93410 - 2023-06-12 00:50:54