5 Simple Ways to Get Smarter

5 Simple Ways to Get Smarter


Posted 2013-11-17 by glenopfollow

Who wouldn't want to be smarter? It's a no brainer isn't it? But let's be up front; there is no easy way to get smarter. You'll have to work at it. Getting smarter is a lot like getting fitter. You have to train your brain. Getting fit is hard work. It can hurt as you push your body to new limits. Yes, you have to put in the hard yards but the benefits are rewarding.

So is feeling smarter. You'll feel more stimulated, more alive.

These five tips to get and feel smarter are relatively simple brain training methods that only need your time and commitment. Creating a brain training routine combining some or all of these techniques will change the way you feel as well as having a few side benefits.

And one other tip that's not included below; don't compare yourself to anyone else.
1. Start juggling

A 2009 University of Oxford study revealed that people who practised juggling 30 minutes a day for six weeks grew new brain cells in areas associated with processing visual information and movement. Benefits include increased coordination and faster reflexes. Another upshot is that you'll end up being popular at kid's parties and if you're really good, end up busking in Barcelona.

2. Do things with your weaker hand.

Using your weaker hand for every day activates like combing your hair, brushing your teeth or using your smart phone will give your brain a slight workout by forcing your brain to work harder than usual, which is ultimately what you want to do.

3. Learn another language.

The challenges of learning the complexities of another language are both rewarding and stimulating. When you learn a new language you need to put words and verbs together, which works your brain hard. You should be better and faster at memorizing things and you'll hope that one day you will reap the rewards on a holiday or get a kick out of using it in front of friends or on a date!

**4. Hang out with people smarter than you.
We tend to naturally gravitate to friends or colleagues that have similar intelligence to ourselves. We like our comfort zone when socializing and feel superior when talking to folk that are down a peg two in intellectual horse power.

Hanging out with people that challenge your thinking and ask difficult questions stresses the brain. We're often confronted with thought-provoking ideas, new concepts or ways of thinking. Your brain works harder to digest and compute these new concepts.

5. Exercise and get a good night's sleep

After all that brain exercise, the brain needs to recuperate. Research indicates that the brain may do some filing of information during sleep. The information from the previous day is catalogued and put in the proper mental 'folders' so it is stored for long-term memory.

Exercising increases your blood flow and increases the oxygen and glucose levels in the brain. The coordination and stress it takes to perform exercises also gives the brain a workout, especially if you're trying something new.

89015 - 2023-06-11 08:02:02


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