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Shout the Horn - Oxfam Australia

Home > Adelaide > Community Events | Charity
by Julia Hebaiter (aka Julia Svoice) (subscribe)
Highly qualified, established food & lifestyle writer, former restaurateur, founder professional writing business, Articul8. Long, diverse writing history, passion for food culture, the land & inspired food language.
Almost 13 million people across the Horn of Africa are currently facing desperate food shortages after the worst drought in 60 years. It's pretty hard for us to even imagine from our lend of
plenty - but it's true. It doesn't take much for us to make a big difference: a little goes a long way. Here's a practical (and easy and fun) way you can help.

Oxfam is running Shout the Horn, whereby Australians are being invited to dine out with friends on Sunday October 16th and 'shout' the cost of an extra meal by making a donation at restaurants participating in their East Africa appeal.

A number of high profile restaurants are on board, including Cumulus Inc., Taxi Dining Room, Anada and St Judes Cellars, with many more signing up every day. A number of Australian food personalities, including Julie Goodwin, Andrew McConnell and Mark Jensen, are supporting the initiative.

If you prefer not to dine out, you can still help by hosting a Shout the Horn dinner party on the day at home. Simply ask friends and family along and ask them to donate what they'd normally spend on a meal to Oxfam's East Africa Appeal.

Sunday October 16th is World Food Day. While every day is a good day to reach out, the day marks one where we can do something practical to help alleviate the worst food crisis of the 21st century.

So, jump on the phone, email, text or whatever, gather your friends and family and make it a date.
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Why? Because You Can Make a Difference
When: Sunday October 16th
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