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Home > Perth > Comments > Shorehaven Waterfront Park
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I found this very interesting, this is a place I will visit.
Thanks Zoe for this article
by suejl (score: 1|10) 2760 days ago
by jade_ (score: 0), 2743 days ago
Very informative and useful article. Lovely photos! I will definitely be giving this place a try. Thanks Zoe
by Zoe Fletcher (score: 1), 2755 days ago
Thanks for your comment Ailsa. This website may be it explains what you can and can't use on a total fire ban day.
by ailsa (score: 0), 2756 days ago
Zoe, Your photos are lovely and it certainly looks like a nice day out. I think you'll find it's illegal to 'take your own stove' or BBQ or another other cooking appliance. This is the reason all councils now supply free BBQs: to avoid fires. Sorry about that.
by Zoe Fletcher (score: 1), 2760 days ago
You're welcome. Enjoy your day when you visit.