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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Shingle Inn - Brisbane City Hall
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I went there recently on a Sunday afternoon, the main inside of the restaurant was shut so we ventured to a table on the tiled area just outside, there were no clean tables so we sat at an uncleared one, the waitress came over and ordered us to get up and 'stand over there' till she'd cleared the table, we got up and kept going and instead had afternoon tea at our usual spot with great scones and impeccable service.
by sharo (score: 0|2) 3619 days ago
by jack4 (score: 1), 3614 days ago
The cakes are not as I remember at all, they are quite dry which is a shame. So much choice in the city, I doubt I would be back.
by joy (score: 0), 3618 days ago
Hi so where would you recommend?
It's sounds like the service or staff need to be sorted out. I was looking forward to going but am uncertain.