Shepparton Moooving Art

Shepparton Moooving Art


Posted 2015-06-09 by Lesley Mitchellfollow
Moooving Art - perhaps not what you might expect! As the name implies, moooving art seems to have been a little more to do with the noise an animal makes rather than art itself, although they are both intertwined in a really fun installation scattered throughout a wide area of land.

In what can only be described as a very unique take on art designed to uplift and create some fun within the area, Shepparton has created these fabulous installations with the use of many artists throughout the community.

Painted and decorated in fun designs throughout the Greater Shepparton's parks and public spaces, so that as a tourist destination, people will be surprised to find these brightly painted cows in some of the most unusual locations.

Whether the cow is decorated like a watermelon or strawberries and cream, these fun brightly painted cows will make a ride through the township of Shepparton and surrounding areas a fun and artistic experience.

If you are driving through keep your eyes out for the brightly painted cows, pop into a tourist office and collect a brochure explaining the art and the ideas behind each cow and these fun installations.

Originally the idea of moooving art was stemming from the very successful Merry Moos campaign at the Shepparton agricultural show. It was then agreed to expand the concept of moooving art right across the municipality.

Greater Shepparton produces a large percentage of all of Australia's dairy exports which made the cow a natural choice for this unique art display.

There are more than 90 cows in the moooving herd and they are displayed in unusual places right across the district.

Fibreglass cows have been hand painted by artists, allowing the public to touch and interact with these great art pieces.

Click HERE for website.

Click HERE for their Facebook page.

**Have you been to Shepparton and seen this moooving art?
We would love to hear which ones you discovered and which ones are your favourites. Use the comments box in this article to share your thoughts with us. We love to hear from you.**

80859 - 2023-06-11 05:59:15


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