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Hi Kerry - thanks for the info re the food places, I was looking for something a bit more convenient for an ice-cream but I'm sure some people will find that info useful.

Regarding the water quality - I do note in the article there was a possible problem earlier in the year but the Council have dealt with it. If your friend has more recent concerns they should let the Yarra Ranges Council know ASAP. Just for the sake of argument, a group of families who spend a day together could just as easily get gastro from other sources, I know it goes around my daughter's kinder from time to time. However, you are free to avoid the park! We enjoyed it and had no health problems afterwards, and I would happily go back. A friend of mine lives locally and goes regularly and neither her family or the families she goes with have ever had a problem. :)
by Anita Coia (score: 2|477) 3849 days ago