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Sesame Brittle Recipe

Home > Adelaide > Recipes
Published January 30th 2012

Sesame brittle is a very popular snack in western India. It's very easy to make and also tastes very good. The traditional way of making this is with sesame and jaggery .If you can't find jaggery, it can be replaced with brown sugar.

2 cups White Sesame seeds
1 cup Brown(light) sesame seeds
11/2 cups brown sugar
1 tablespoon ghee or butter
1 flat non-stick baking tray(to spread the mixture)
1 cup with flat bottom(to even out the mixture)
few drops of vegetable oil

Melt the sugar in a non-stick heavy bottomed pan on slow to medium heat. This will take while but be patient as you might burn the sugar in a hurry. Keep stirring the sugar constantly to make sure it doesn't burn.

Once the sugar is melted completely take the pan off the heat and add the sesame seeds mixing it properly.

Flatten out the mixture on the grease baking tray with the help of the cup. Oil the bottom of the cup before using it as it might stick to the mixture.

Cut out square shapes with a knife or any shape you like before it cools down.

Once they cool down store them in an air-tight container.

Serves 10-15 squares
Cooking Time 20 minutes
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Why? Make your own healthy snack
When: Anytime
Where: At home
Cost: Cheap
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