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Semi Sun Dried Tomato Recipe

Home > Ballarat > Recipes
by Sheree (subscribe)
Published October 16th 2011
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Homemade Semi Sun Dried Tomatoes can be added to your sandwiches, salads or pizza's for extra flavour.

I was very surprised to learn how easy it is to make semi sun dried tomatoes. After watching the popular television show "Better Homes and Gardens" I feel confident this is something we could all do with ease. What a great way to use those left over ripened tomatoes.

This homemade recipe will add extra flavour to your sandwiches, salads or homemade pizza's. Tailoring this recipe to your taste buds is easy, just replace the fresh herbs suggested in this recipe with your favourite flavours. It is also a healthy alternative to the supermarket version because this recipe contains no preservatives. Enjoy!


6 x Tomatoes
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Black Pepper corns
2 Tablespoons fresh herbs (eg. Parsley, Thyme, Rosemary or Basil)
2 Garlic cloves


1. Preheat the oven to 120c (250f) degrees.

2. Cut out the top of the tomatoes (the brown middle section).
Fresh Tomatoes
Use fresh tomatoes and herbs to make this dish.

3. Cut the tomatoes in half (horizontally).

4. Place the tomatoes with the cut side upwards on a greaseproof baking tray.

5. Crush the garlic cloves with a knife and cut into small pieces.

6. Chop up your favourite herbs. If you don't like herbs you can add other flavours that satisfy your taste buds. Why not try some chilli flakes?
Add the flavours to suit your taste.

7. Drizzle olive oil over the top of the tomatoes.

8. Season with ground sea salt and black pepper corns.

9. Sprinkle the chopped garlic and your favourite herbs or flavours over the top of the tomatoes.
Basil, Garlic and Tomatoes
My favourite herb is Basil.

10. Place the baking tray in the oven for 3-4 hours or until the tomatoes have reduced to the size you desire.

11. Let the tomatoes cool, then place them in a clean glass jar and add enough olive oil to cover the tomatoes. Store in the fridge for up to two weeks.
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Why? Easy and Delicious
When: Anytime
Where: At Home
Cost: $2 per person
I also watched this segment of Better Homes & Gardens and will be attempting this recipe this afternoon. I think however that the tomatoes were also sprinkled with a little sugar to bring out the sweetness, reduce the acidity.
By Anonymous
Saturday, 22nd of October @ 05:12 am
Hi Anonymous
That is correct Better Homes and Gardens did sprinkle some sugar on the tomatoes. :)
By Sheree - senior reviewer
Saturday, 22nd of October @ 07:56 am
Thanks for the sugar tip. I am just about to start this and I also thought that sugar was ivolved when I saw this on TV. I am going to use herbs and chilli flakes. Best thing about this recipie is that all the ingredients are already in the pantry or fridge.
Will update when tasting occurs in about 5 hours!!!
By Anonymous
Sunday, 22nd of January @ 03:21 am
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