Semaphore Greek Festival 2013
Sat 12 Jan 2013 - Sun 13 Jan 2013
Semaphore springs into summer with one festival after another - the hugely popular
Semaphore Street Fair was barely over before the latest in the series was announced.
Personally I'm all for it - Semaphore is a pleasant place, friendly and fashionable without being over crowded. It has lots of interesting shops, some
quite quirky buildings and a lovely beach that is a delight for kids.
The Semaphore Greek Festival 2012 is held on the foreshore at Semaphore close to the amusements and the
iconic carousel , and it celebrates the Greek culture and heritage which is endemic to South Australia.
The Festival will bring you a rich assortment of the best traditional Greek food, sweets and other delicacies to enjoy while you listen to wonderful Greek music. There will also be a live band playing from 4pm daily
Of course there will be traditional dancers from local groups to entertain you, although after enjoying all those calories perhaps you may be inclined to get on stage and join them!
The Festival will be family friendly with lots of activities for the kids, and best of all - it's FREE.
For more information
check out the website , or like
the Facebook page to get regular updates.
#family -attractions
!date 12/01/2013 -- 13/01/2013
203824 - 2023-06-16 05:27:50