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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Semaphore Amusement Park
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Perusing through your articles of late Dave tantalised my eyes with neon brights. I had queried whether there was something wrong with my vision being the hypochondriac I am. Thank god it is just camera tricks. Nice write up on Semaphore.
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3|1596) 3754 days ago
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3), 3753 days ago
It can be visually appealing either way. Some shots seem to suit a certain look better. I would be more incline to stick with the same style of photos throughout one article for cohesion. What are your thoughts?
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3753 days ago
Thanks Yin-Yin, no eye tests required. Just a bit of visual hype to match the verbal :)

Do you think it improves the photos? Or would you rather au naturel?