Seinäjoki Tango Festival 2013
Wed 10 Jul 2013 - Sat 13 Jul 2013
This four day annual Tango Festival is ideal for anyone with a keen interest in Tango as well as anyone who is just looking to soak up some Summer sunshine in a great atmosphere.
Throughout the week there are stages packed with a variety of festival fun for everyone including Tango competitions and music as well as karaoke and a chance to try out the dances for yourself.
The times of the festival vary depending on which day you wish to visit but they start from around 9 am each day and run well into the early hours of the morning, usually finishing at around 3 am. There are 'family friendly' days/times during the week too with kids activities during these times to entertain all of the family.
Prices of tickets also vary depending on the day or time of your visit but you can buy a ticket for the whole week for around 100 €.
A great excuse to go out and enjoy the Summer with some music and dancing this year.
For further details please have a look at the festival's website (there is an option to change the website language to English).
!date 10/07/2013 -- 13/07/2013
80347 - 2023-06-11 05:32:23
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