Secret Road Trips - Point Glorious
This Secret Road Trip has two secrets. One is the destination - a little known lookout on the Sunshine Coast; the second secret is how to get there.
I will reveal two routes for this Secret Road Trip - the challenging but exciting way, and the easy way if you are not up for taking a chance today.
This route comes with a warning. Only suitable in dry conditions. A regular car can be used (as long it is it not low to the ground) however some people may feel more comfortable using a 4WD. I drove my Peugeot Wagon without a problem, however you must go slow and drive diagonally over the humps and dips. If you are travelling this route alone, be sure to tell someone where you are going. I recommend at least half a tank of fuel before commencing your trip
This route is suitable for any vehicle, however it does include gravel roads.
The first secret is that this lookout is virtually unknown by locals and tourists alike. It is often overlooked because people may think it is too hard to get to, or that it is not signed very well. The journey and destination is well worth it.
We start Route One at the historical
Mapleton Tavern - that overlooks the Sunshine Coast with spectacular views - the perfect place to have a drink before heading off.
Head from the Tavern North on Post Office Road and veer left through the suburb before taking a left onto Tamarind Drive.
Turn Right onto Mapleton Forest Drive. On this dirt road you may come across 4WDs and motorbikes - keep alert and you will be fine. Go slow.
This road snakes through unspoilt bushland and beautiful Australia - which is surprising being so close to urban areas on the Sunshine Coast.
You can expect to take more than an hour on this road, take your time. It is an experience, not a race. Go slowly over the humps - steering diagonally over them so your car doesn't bottom out or get stuck like a see-saw. Don't worry - it is doable with care and consideration.
Enjoy the views and chance encounters with wildlife.
You will cross the Poole's Dam creek. There is a verge you can pull into and jump out to stretch your legs. Climb carefully down to the waterfall for a relaxing pit stop.
Be sure to keep an eye on children. The warning signs are there for a reason.
Take a Right onto Cooloolabin Road, and
Cooloolabin Dam will become visible on your left. A perfect spot to stop for a picnic or toilet break.
Don't miss this:
The road to our secret lookout is soon after the dam on your left signed Buckby Road. It is also signed Pt Glorious. It is easy to miss.
The road remains gravel for the duration of the trip.
You may think - when we will get there - but persevere.
Follow Buckby Road until your reach Point Glorious Road which will be on your left.
Take a picnic or snack with you to eat when you arrive at the lookout. There are enviro toilets there also.
Car parking is available before you jump out to venture to the two viewing platforms. You won't be disappointed.
If you are not up for travelling for over an hour on gravel roads, start your road trip and
Yandina Hotel and go via:
Cooloolabin Road. See map above.
Just be sure not to miss the turning to Buckby Road which will be on your right. The remaining 7km to Point Glorious is on a gravel road, but it is suitable for all vehicles which means you don't have to miss out on our secret lookout!
Happy Road Tripping!
149384 - 2023-06-14 02:58:39