Secondhand Stores in Rozelle
Vintage clothing is a personal expression of style, belief and thrift and Rozelle, in Sydney's Inner West, has become the centre of the vintage and secondhand rag trade. It began with the popular
Rozelle flea markets held every weekend, and spawned an eclectic collection of secondhand, vintage and outlet shops.
Start on Darling Street at the Red Cross shop (
Darling Street, Rozelle, New South Wales&aq=0&sll=-37.820328,144.958935&sspn=0.018035,0.038581&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=656A Darling St, Rozelle New South Wales 2039&ll=-33.863538,151.170759&spn=0.009924,0.01929&z=16 656a Darling St, Rozelle ), with end of line designer clothing, secondhand chic and re-fashioned accessories. It's cheap, but has a boutique look and feel to it. You can pick up some quality threads for men and women here. Phone 9818 2569
Walk less than a hundred metres and you'll get to
Mint Condition (
Victoria Rd, Rozelle&aq=&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=43.41935,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=134 Victoria Rd, Rozelle New South Wales 2039&z=16 134 Victoria Rd, Rozelle ), on the other side of Victoria Rd, where authentic vintage from the Fifties, up to late Eighties , is lovingly restored and out on the racks. There are racks of frothy chiffon, crisp nylon, colourful crimpolene, exotic threads from the bold Seventies and the gaudy taffetas of the Eighties.
Mint Condition has extensive accessories to match each era, particularly the prim gloves and dainty handbags of the pre-Feminist fifties. It's almost a wearable museum of the status of women.
Around the corner and continuing down Darling Street is the Salvos store (
Darling Street Rozelle&aq=&sll=-33.864322,151.169901&sspn=0.009924,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=686 Darling St, Rozelle New South Wales 2039&z=16 686 Darling Street Rozelle ), with a good selection of clothing, bric a brac, furniture and cheap household products. It is what it is, and there are no frills and no nod to trendy recycling. This is secondhand in the raw. Phone 9555 2497
Next door is U-Turn Recycled Fashion (
Recycled Fashion&ie=UTF8&hq=U-Turn Recycled Fashion&hnear=&radius=15000&ll=-33.863574,151.209126&spn=0.075832,0.154324&z=13&iwloc=A 688 Darling Street, Rozelle ), offering pre-worn and factory second contemporary clothing, accessories and shoes, as well as children's clothing. Phone 9555 6703 &
#8206 ; &
#8206 ;
Directly opposite is St Vinnie's (
Darling Street Rozelle&aq=&sll=-33.864322,151.169558&sspn=0.009924,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=683 Darling St, Rozelle New South Wales 2039&ll=-33.864091,151.169558&spn=0.009924,0.01929&z=16 683 Darling Street Rozelle ), the retail arm of St Vincent de Paul's charity. Like the Salvo's store, proceeds from the sale of clothing, bric a brac and furniture goes back into the charity, so nthere is little emphasis on style or trends, but you can find some great bargains and rare items if you look hard enough. again offering secondhand clothing, bric a brac and furniture.
A few doors down is The Devil Wears (
Devil Wears&aq=&sll=-33.864091,151.169558&sspn=0.009924,0.01929&g=683 Darling Street Rozelle&ie=UTF8&ll=-33.863948,151.169558&spn=0.009924,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A 691 Darling Street, Rozelle ), a little shop that offers probably the cheapest secondhand and factory second clothing, all contemporary. Phone 0438 987 318.
Keep walking and a few metres down Darling Street is Cassandra's Closet (
Darling Street, Rozelle&aq=&sll=-33.880962,151.200027&sspn=0.075817,0.154324&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=721 Darling St, Rozelle New South Wales 2039&ll=-33.864874,151.168399&spn=0.009924,0.01929&z=16 721 Darling Street, Rozelle ), which specialises in Seventies and Eighties good quality designer vintage clothing. Phone 98188782
Slightly further afield but worth the walk, is fashion designer
Leona Edmiston (
Darling St, Balmain&aq=&sll=-33.864874,151.168399&sspn=0.009924,0.01929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=483 Darling St, Balmain New South Wales 2041&ll=-33.856322,151.172733&spn=0.009925,0.01929&z=16 483 Darling St, Balmain ), and her chic and sophisticated designs. A leading international brand, Leona uses jersey, silk and cotton to create stylish, feminine outfits. Phone 9810 3046.
So, if you're after new threads that are old threads, head to the Inner West village of Rozelle and enjoy the fashions of yesteryear.
161854 - 2023-06-14 19:56:03