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We’ve been every year except for the 1st 2 or 3 I think, when I didn’t know about This is my favourite Sydney event of the year, with vivid come thing a close 2nd. We always start at Bondi, catching the crowded bus from Bondi Junction. Because I take about 110 photos, & the walk takes us about 4 hrs, We take our own lunch, & water is handed out for free, as well as block-out I couldn’t imagine organising a holiday too somewhere, & missing out on going to Sculpture by the Sea! (Or SxS as I call it) The catalogue is very handy to read up on all the works that 1 has taken photos off. My mother is nearly 94 & used to enjoy coming with us, but as she can’t do the steps anymore, she enjoys looking at the catalogue & my photos.
by miro_ (score: 2|116) 2786 days ago
by GiGi GMV (score: 2), 2778 days ago
That sounds so lovely and you sure can take many brilliant photos with the ocean as the background. My favorite time is early in the morning or around sunset where I can capture the beautiful colours of the sky :)