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• Not very impressive! - Scenic Hotel
Diner Review • Dec 10, 2012
Visited this hotel last night and very disappointed with the service/food and ambience (unable to stand outside on the terrace because a waft of poo was being blown across the terrace and into the restaurant)! - not a good start to the evening.
We were part of a group of 27 people who had arranged a function for Friday night. We sat down for dinner a 7pm, the waitress took our orders just after this time. 9pm the food eventually arrived!
The food was mediocre. I do not recommend the duck pie - very average, very disappointing, small (approx. 6cm in diameter) and it is served with a garnish, - that's it! No side salad or a selection of vegetables. All for the grand sum of $32.60 - exorbitant for average fare.
A colleague ordered a medium rare grilled sirloin and it arrived very rare – had to be sent back to the kitchen.
The evening was spoilt through lack of service and good food. The owner had the temerity to put the phone down on me the following day when I complained about the above points.
Not a restaurant recommended – the owners must believe that that have a 'captured' audience and can treat their guests as they feel fit and charge accordingly.
by jim.d (score: 0|2) 3840 days ago
by jim.d (score: 0), 3840 days ago
I agree - pretty average. I wouldn't bother again!