Scarf Festival
The humble scarf is more charming, exciting and diverse than you might think. Doubtful? Then the Transformation: 2009 will go a long way towards changing your mind.
Perhaps Melbourne's most popular winter accessory, scarves do much more than warm our necks when a chill wind blows: according to the organisers of the , they're actually a vehicle for creativity and self-expression.
This year, the festival journeys from its former home at Craft Victoria in Melbourne to Geelong's National Wool Museum, a fitting move considering that from its earliest days, Geelong's Corio Bay served as a major port and sales precinct to the wool producers of the Western District. And where would the scarf be without the fine wool of Geelong?
The festival has something for everybody even the least bit scarf-minded, and elevates the scarf from a modest winter knit to an artistically and lovingly crafted object. The extensive program includes dozens of hands-on workshops for amateurs, professionals, designers and craft makers, and for those who can't make the journey to Geelong, there are plenty of exciting workshops in Melbourne, too.
Bring out your inner-Morticia with Vamp re-Vamp Crochet as a Cover Up, or just get started with one of many basic knitting workshops. The organisers really have thought of everything to lure the reluctant knitter: for boys aged 6-14 with no prior experience, who could resist a workshop entitled Blood and Guts Knitting? And if scarves are not your thing, try the Freaky Finger Puppets, Art Felt Jacket, Make a Doll or Introduction to Handspinning workshops.
The festival is also host to the Scarf Awards, which include the fabulous categories of Best Transformational Narrative in a Scarf, Most Outrageous Scarf and Silk Scarf With the Most Flair. Don't forget to visit the jewel in the woolly crown, the Transformation Showcase, a vibrant installation of scarves and textiles which mix old techniques with new materials, innovation with tradition.
203398 - 2023-06-16 05:24:10