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Salt Restaurant is in a beautiful spot, but like so many beachfront restaurants along the Fremantle to Hilarys strip, the service and food is very average, with a standard that is just not up to scratch.
It seems that the more attractive the outlook, the lower the service and food quality.
It's not good enough, particularly when these places charge more than anywhere else.
Check out the Urbanspoon reviews and you'll find a lot of unhappy customers at all these beachfront eateries.
The Indiana Teahouse is a standing joke - like W.A.'s own Fawlty Towers - but Salt performs badly in the reviews as well.
It's time these places smartened up their act, and provided quality service and food on a par with the image they present.
by Ron N. (score: 2|104) 3775 days ago
by massh (score: 0), 3774 days ago
Totally agree Ron. It is such a shame. Whenever we have visitors we would love to dine on the waterfront, but it's usually either not very good or unreasonably expensive.