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Dancing is one of the few activities which is guaranteed to put a smile on the face of most people. Why is it then that so few people actually take the time to enjoy it?

One of the most fun and easy to learn styles of dancing is Salsa. Salsa is actually a fusion of informal dance styles which has its origin in the Caribbean, in particular Cuba.

Here's an example of some Cubans dancing away.

Salsa does require a little practice, however one or two lessons are enough to get you going. Putting in a little time and effort will really increase your enjoyment.

Melbourne has an abundance of places which offer Salsa lessons. This page from has a comprehensive list and you are bound to find lessons near you.

Once you have a few steps down there are any number of Salsa clubs (or clubs with Salsa nights) around Melbourne to enjoy.

Again the Melbourne Salsa website is your best reference with this page listing upcoming events.

One night I would definitely recommend is Salsa Spectacular, held on the second Saturday of every month in the grand Art Deco Ormond Hall on St Kilda St in South Melbourne. It runs from 8pm to 1am, and entry costs $23 at the door.

Why? You'll enjoy it, promise.
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When: Anytime
Where: All over Melbourne
Cost: Usually around $12 to $20 per lesson
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