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I have been looking decades for the CWA 'Russian Toffee' recipe which is to die for. And I thought this might be it. However, it needs a tin of condensed milk and then I think it might be pretty close to it. A dash of vanilla as it starts to cool. But be warned. It is addictive and you will crave it the rest of your life. It is not a fudge. It is hard that will be chewy and buttery in the mouth.
by valav (score: 0|6) 2363 days ago
by wooll (score: 0), 1294 days ago
Recipe from an old CWA cookbook, kindly supplied by Elizabeth B.

400g can sweetened condensed milk
125g butter
3/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
2 tablespoons golden syrup
Combine all ingredients in a heavy based pan. Stir over heat without boiling until butter has melted and sugar dissolved. Bring mixture to the boil, whisk constantly for about 8 minutes or until mixture is thick and dark caramel in colour. Mixture will leave the sides of the pan. Pour mixture into a lined, deep, square cake tin. Stand for 20 minutes. Mark into squares with greased knife. Cool. Refrigerate for 1 hour before removing from pan.

on Sunday, 21 September 2014. Posted in Recipes