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Our family eats at Sargarmatha regularly. We started eating there back in 2000 just after it opened. We went to Nepal for 6 weeks trekking for our honeymoon. The wonderful smells, the sounds, the fantastic tastes, the mountain pictures, the whole atmosphere takes us back to our wonderful honeymoon time in Nepal. I found the prices very good compared to what other restarants charge for a much smaller size meal. Join and become a member and save 10% or use the groupon coupons that pop up every now and then. I think they are also in the entertainment book that most schools sell for fund raising (i'm not 100% sure as i haven't had an entertainment book for about 5 years now)
I too love their Goat curry, I just love it. My wife is vegetarian and she never gets so many things to choose from anywhere else, Daal Bhat is the favorite its brilliant. We lived on it for almost the whole 6 weeks trekking.
I love the fact that it's not fine dining, its just natural and relaxing.
The staff are always just so happy and friendly. No grumpy pimple face waiters here.
I always finish of with the wonderful Nepali traditional rice pudding if i have any room left.... 5 stars from me. everytime i go...
Thankyou and keep up your wonderful cooking.
by samir (score: 2|126) 3691 days ago
by tangl (score: 0), 3602 days ago
Thank you Samir for your wonderful review and support and we really appreciate. We are very pleased that you and your family members enjoy dining in our establishment. We will always strive to do better and thank you so much for your feedback!