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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Victorian Road Rules You Didn't Know
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I think point 9 is quite racist. It's not necessary to write 'please even if your native language is not English...'. I'm quite offended by this.
by quigw (score: 1|11) 2255 days ago
by Tricia Ziemer (score: 2), 2254 days ago
Dear Sir or Madam, I work in the community sector and work with many people for whom English is a Second Language. We carry out English as a Second Language courses, learning our culture courses and learning how to do the simple things like read signs. And many of them admit, they struggle with these signs. That is why so many of our signs around Australia are starting to become more "visual". Like a bike with a circle around it and a slash within it that denotes, no bikes allowed on the freeway. We teach large groups about how to join and be happy within our culture. We even have an short name for it called ESL. It was not in any ways meant to be racist, just the terminology we use.