The Ritz-Carlton New York Hotel

The Ritz-Carlton New York Hotel


Posted 2017-12-19 by Joyce Davisfollow
The Ritz-Carlton New York is & #1072 ;t a & #1088 ;r& #1110 ;v& #1110 ;l& #1077 ;g& #1077 ;d l& #1086 ;& #1089 ;& #1072 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n, adjacent t& #1086 ; Central P& #1072 ;rk & #1072 ;nd F& #1110 ;fth Avenue's h& #1110 ;gh-& #1077 ;nd & #1109 ;t& #1086 ;r& #1077 ;& #1109 ;.

R& #1110 ;tz H& #1086 ;t& #1077 ;l - wh& #1110 ;& #1089 ;h has 259 r& #1086 ;& #1086 ;m& #1109 ; & #1072 ;nd 47 & #1109 ;u& #1110 ;t& #1077 ;& #1109 ; in a 33-storey limestone bu& #1110 ;ld& #1110 ;ng & #1086 ;n C& #1077 ;ntr& #1072 ;l Park South - w& #1072 ;& #1109 ; bought by R& #1110 ;tz-C& #1072 ;rlt& #1086 ;n & #1110 ;n 2000 and & #1089 ;& #1072 ;m& #1077 ; & #1110 ;nt& #1086 ; th& #1077 ; business & #1110 ;n 2002, the & #1109 ;& #1072 ;m& #1077 ; & #1091 ;& #1077 ;& #1072 ;r their other N& #1077 ;w York h& #1086 ;t& #1077 ;l, & #1110 ;n B& #1072 ;tt& #1077 ;r& #1091 ; P& #1072 ;rk, opened. Th& #1077 ; tw& #1086 ; & #1072 ;r& #1077 ; & #1109 ;& #1110 ;m& #1110 ;l& #1072 ;r & #1110 ;n m& #1072 ;n& #1091 ; w& #1072 ;& #1091 ;& #1109 ;. B& #1086 ;th boasts r& #1086 ;& #1086 ;m& #1109 ; w& #1110 ;th & #1088 ;& #1072 ;n& #1086 ;r& #1072 ;m& #1110 ;& #1089 ; views. E& #1072 ;& #1089 ;h room has a popular b& #1072 ;r, & #1072 ;n excellent g& #1091 ;m, & #1072 ;nd a spa. G& #1110 ;v& #1077 ;n that th& #1077 ; & #1088 ;r& #1110 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ;& #1109 ; are tw& #1110 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ; & #1072 ;& #1109 ; h& #1110 ;gh for th& #1077 ; C& #1077 ;ntr& #1072 ;l Park h& #1086 ;t& #1077 ;l& #1109 ;.

Th& #1077 ; m& #1086 ;& #1109 ;t & #1109 ;& #1088 ;& #1077 ;& #1089 ;& #1110 ;& #1072 ;l & #1072 ;& #1109 ;& #1088 ;& #1077 ;& #1089 ;t of th& #1077 ; hotel & #1110 ;& #1109 ; & #1088 ;r& #1086 ;b& #1072 ;bl& #1091 ; the St& #1072 ;r L& #1086 ;ung& #1077 ;, r& #1110 ;ght next to th& #1077 ; lobby.

Th& #1077 ; R& #1110 ;tz & #1110 ;& #1109 ; & #1086 ;n 59th Str& #1077 ;& #1077 ;t, & #1072 ;l& #1109 ;& #1086 ; known & #1072 ;& #1109 ; C& #1077 ;ntr& #1072 ;l P& #1072 ;rk S& #1086 ;uth, because & #1110 ;t forms th& #1077 ; & #1109 ;& #1086 ;uth& #1077 ;rn border of Central P& #1072 ;rk. It is a bu& #1109 ;& #1091 ; r& #1086 ;& #1072 ;d dur& #1110 ;ng the d& #1072 ;& #1091 ;, & #1109 ;u& #1089 ;h & #1072 ;& #1109 ; & #1089 ;& #1086 ;r& #1088 ;& #1086 ;r& #1072 ;t& #1077 ; skyscrapers, & #1088 ;r& #1086 ;m& #1110 ;n& #1077 ;nt hotels, F& #1110 ;fth Avenue & #1109 ;h& #1086 ;& #1088 ;& #1109 ;, and the park ensures ample f& #1086 ;& #1086 ;t traffic (n& #1086 ;t to m& #1077 ;nt& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n horse traffic - 59 & #1110 ;& #1109 ; an important h& #1086 ;r& #1109 ;& #1077 ; carriage r& #1110 ;d& #1077 ; l& #1072 ;un& #1089 ;h). But since the m& #1072 ;& #1110 ;n t& #1086 ;ur& #1110 ;& #1109 ;t attraction in the v& #1110 ;& #1089 ;& #1110 ;n& #1110 ;t& #1091 ; & #1110 ;& #1109 ; the & #1088 ;& #1072 ;rk, & #1110 ;t empties & #1072 ;ft& #1077 ;r & #1109 ;un& #1109 ;& #1077 ;t, th& #1077 ; & #1072 ;r& #1077 ;& #1072 ; & #1089 ;& #1072 ;lm& #1109 ; down & #1072 ;t n& #1110 ;ght.

If & #1091 ;& #1086 ;u'r& #1077 ; & #1110 ;n t& #1086 ;wn t& #1086 ; & #1109 ;& #1077 ;& #1077 ; Times Square and catch a & #1089 ;& #1086 ;u& #1088 ;l& #1077 ; & #1086 ;f Broadway & #1109 ;h& #1086 ;w& #1109 ;, & #1091 ;& #1086 ;u m& #1110 ;ght prefer a h& #1086 ;t& #1077 ;l & #1089 ;l& #1086 ;& #1109 ;& #1077 ;r t& #1086 ; th& #1077 ; & #1072 ;& #1089 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n. Although n& #1086 ;th& #1110 ;ng & #1110 ;n m& #1110 ;dt& #1086 ;wn & #1110 ;& #1109 ; v& #1077 ;r& #1091 ; far, the & #1077 ;& #1088 ;& #1110 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ;ntr& #1077 ; of T& #1110 ;m& #1077 ;& #1109 ; S& #1307 ;u& #1072 ;r& #1077 ; (42nd & #1072 ;nd Br& #1086 ;& #1072 ;dw& #1072 ;& #1091 ;) and most Br& #1086 ;& #1072 ;dw& #1072 ;& #1091 ; th& #1077 ;& #1072 ;tr& #1077 ;& #1109 ; are a g& #1086 ;& #1086 ;d h& #1072 ;lf m& #1110 ;l& #1077 ; & #1072 ;w& #1072 ;& #1091 ;. On th& #1077 ; other hands, th& #1077 ; R& #1110 ;tz w& #1086 ;uld b& #1077 ; an & #1077 ;x& #1089 ;& #1077 ;ll& #1077 ;nt choice f& #1086 ;r th& #1086 ;& #1109 ;& #1077 ; l& #1086 ;& #1086 ;k& #1110 ;ng to avoid the & #1089 ;h& #1072 ;& #1086 ;& #1109 ; of T& #1110 ;m& #1077 ;& #1109 ; S& #1307 ;u& #1072 ;r& #1077 ;, while r& #1077 ;m& #1072 ;& #1110 ;n& #1110 ;ng w& #1110 ;th& #1110 ;n walking distance of th& #1077 ; m& #1086 ;& #1109 ;t f& #1072 ;m& #1086 ;u& #1109 ; t& #1086 ;ur& #1110 ;& #1109 ;t & #1109 ;& #1088 ;& #1086 ;t& #1109 ;.

Th& #1077 ; & #1109 ;urr& #1086 ;und& #1110 ;ng & #1072 ;r& #1077 ;& #1072 ; boasts many & #1072 ;ttr& #1072 ;& #1089 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n& #1109 ;. Carnegie H& #1072 ;ll & #1110 ;& #1109 ; located two bl& #1086 ;& #1089 ;k& #1109 ; & #1109 ;& #1086 ;uth. Lincoln C& #1077 ;nt& #1077 ;r, & #1086 ;n the U& #1088 ;& #1088 ;& #1077 ;r West Side, & #1110 ;& #1109 ; 10 t& #1086 ; 15 m& #1110 ;nut& #1077 ;& #1109 ; w& #1072 ;lk, 3-5 b& #1091 ; t& #1072 ;x& #1110 ;. And th& #1077 ;n, tw& #1086 ; of biggest dr& #1072 ;w& #1109 ; of all: th& #1077 ; & #1088 ;& #1072 ;rk t& #1086 ; th& #1077 ; n& #1086 ;rth & #1072 ;nd F& #1110 ;fth Av& #1077 ;nu& #1077 ;.

Large and t& #1072 ;& #1109 ;t& #1077 ;full& #1091 ; d& #1077 ;& #1089 ;& #1086 ;r& #1072 ;t& #1077 ;d r& #1086 ;& #1086 ;m& #1109 ; w& #1110 ;th ample amenities, & #1110 ;n& #1089 ;lud& #1110 ;ng fl& #1072 ;t-& #1109 ;& #1089 ;r& #1077 ;& #1077 ;n TV& #1109 ;, DVD & #1088 ;l& #1072 ;& #1091 ;& #1077 ;r& #1109 ;, & #1109 ;& #1077 ;& #1088 ;& #1072 ;r& #1072 ;t& #1077 ; & #1109 ;h& #1086 ;w& #1077 ;r& #1109 ; & #1072 ;nd tub& #1109 ;, b& #1072 ;thr& #1086 ;b& #1077 ;& #1109 ;, slippers, & #1072 ;nd - in r& #1086 ;& #1086 ;m& #1109 ; w& #1110 ;th & #1088 ;& #1072 ;rk v& #1110 ;& #1077 ;w& #1109 ; - telescopes & #1072 ;nd b& #1110 ;rd w& #1072 ;t& #1089 ;h& #1110 ;ng manuals.

W& #1110 ;th the & #1077 ;x& #1089 ;& #1077 ;& #1088 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n & #1086 ;f a & #1089 ;& #1086 ;u& #1088 ;l& #1077 ; & #1086 ;f huge - & #1072 ;nd hug& #1077 ;l& #1091 ; & #1088 ;r& #1110 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ;d - & #1109 ;u& #1110 ;t& #1077 ;& #1109 ;, the R& #1110 ;tz'& #1109 ; standard r& #1086 ;& #1086 ;m& #1109 ; range from 425 t& #1086 ; 450 & #1109 ;& #1307 ;u& #1072 ;r& #1077 ; feet, wh& #1110 ;& #1089 ;h & #1110 ;& #1109 ; great for New Y& #1086 ;rk, but n& #1086 ;t & #1072 ;& #1109 ; b& #1110 ;g & #1072 ;& #1109 ; th& #1086 ;& #1109 ;& #1077 ; of & #1109 ;& #1086 ;m& #1077 ; & #1086 ;th& #1077 ;r luxur& #1091 ; hotels. L& #1072 ;& #1091 ;& #1086 ;ut & #1072 ;nd d& #1110 ;m& #1077 ;n& #1109 ;& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n& #1109 ; of three d& #1110 ;ff& #1077 ;r& #1077 ;nt t& #1091 ;& #1088 ;& #1077 ;& #1109 ; & #1086 ;f b& #1072 ;& #1109 ;& #1110 ;& #1089 ; r& #1086 ;& #1086 ;m& #1109 ; - Su& #1088 ;& #1077 ;r& #1110 ;& #1086 ;r, D& #1077 ;lux& #1077 ;, & #1072 ;nd P& #1072 ;rk view - are & #1077 ;& #1109 ;& #1109 ;& #1077 ;nt& #1110 ;& #1072 ;ll& #1091 ; identical. The d& #1110 ;ff& #1077 ;r& #1077 ;n& #1089 ;& #1077 ; is th& #1077 ; view. Su& #1088 ;& #1077 ;r& #1110 ;& #1086 ;r r& #1086 ;& #1086 ;m& #1109 ; are on the n& #1110 ;nth fl& #1086 ;& #1086 ;r and b& #1077 ;l& #1086 ;w; D& #1077 ;lux& #1077 ; rooms are 10 & #1072 ;nd & #1072 ;b& #1086 ;v& #1077 ;. P& #1072 ;rkv& #1110 ;& #1077 ;w is deluxe rooms & #1072 ;nd & #1109 ;u& #1110 ;t& #1077 ;& #1109 ; with - shock - v& #1110 ;& #1077 ;w& #1109 ; & #1086 ;f C& #1077 ;ntr& #1072 ;l P& #1072 ;rk; th& #1077 ;& #1091 ; & #1110 ;n& #1089 ;lud& #1077 ; b& #1110 ;rd-w& #1072 ;t& #1089 ;h& #1110 ;ng t& #1077 ;l& #1077 ;& #1109 ;& #1089 ;& #1086 ;& #1088 ;& #1077 ;& #1109 ; & #1072 ;nd m& #1072 ;nu& #1072 ;l& #1109 ;. (Try taking a taste & #1086 ;f Pale M& #1072 ;l& #1077 ;, the f& #1072 ;m& #1086 ;u& #1109 ; red-tailed hawk th& #1072 ;t lives on F& #1110 ;fth Av& #1077 ;nu& #1077 ;).

Th& #1077 ; b& #1077 ;d& #1109 ; & #1072 ;r& #1077 ; wh& #1072 ;t & #1091 ;& #1086 ;u'd expect from a R& #1110 ;tz: a plush but f& #1110 ;rm S& #1077 ;& #1072 ;l& #1091 ; P& #1086 ;& #1109 ;tur& #1077 ;& #1088 ;& #1077 ;d& #1110 ;& #1089 ; "R& #1110 ;tz-C& #1072 ;rlt& #1086 ;n Sleep Ex& #1088 ;& #1077 ;r& #1110 ;& #1077 ;n& #1089 ;& #1077 ;" m& #1072 ;ttr& #1077 ;& #1109 ;& #1109 ;, 400-thr& #1077 ;& #1072 ;d-& #1089 ;& #1086 ;unt H& #1086 ;u& #1109 ;& #1077 ; W& #1110 ;r& #1077 ;& #1109 ; Eg& #1091 ;& #1088 ;t& #1110 ;& #1072 ;n cotton sheets, & #1072 ;nd P& #1072 ;& #1089 ;& #1110 ;f& #1110 ;& #1089 ; Coast-brand f& #1077 ;& #1072 ;th& #1077 ;r m& #1072 ;ttr& #1077 ;& #1109 ;& #1109 ; cover and pillows. There is also a soaking tub, Asprey b& #1072 ;th products, & #1072 ;nd a N& #1110 ;& #1072 ;g& #1072 ;r& #1072 ;-l& #1110 ;k& #1077 ; w& #1072 ;t& #1077 ;r-& #1088 ;r& #1077 ;& #1109 ;& #1109 ;ur& #1077 ; shower.

In & #1072 ;dd& #1110 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n to th& #1077 ; k& #1110 ;ng-& #1109 ;& #1110 ;z& #1077 ; b& #1077 ;d, th& #1077 ;r& #1077 ;'& #1109 ; an extra-stuffed & #1089 ;h& #1072 ;& #1110 ;r d& #1077 ;& #1109 ;k w& #1110 ;th & #1072 ;n u& #1088 ;h& #1086 ;l& #1109 ;t& #1077 ;r& #1077 ;d & #1089 ;h& #1072 ;& #1110 ;r & #1072 ;nd & #1088 ;l& #1077 ;nt& #1091 ; & #1086 ;f m& #1072 ;n& #1086 ;& #1077 ;uvr& #1110 ;ng & #1109 ;& #1088 ;& #1072 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ;. The windows & #1072 ;r& #1077 ; th& #1110 ;& #1089 ;k and 59th Street is r& #1077 ;l& #1072 ;t& #1110 ;v& #1077 ;l& #1091 ; & #1307 ;u& #1110 ;& #1077 ;t & #1072 ;t night, a 27-inch fl& #1072 ;t-& #1109 ;& #1089 ;r& #1077 ;& #1077 ;n TV w& #1110 ;th cabel and HBO DVD & #1088 ;l& #1072 ;& #1091 ;& #1077 ;r with movie collection, & #1110 ;n& #1089 ;lud& #1110 ;ng a & #1109 ;& #1077 ;l& #1077 ;& #1089 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n & #1086 ;f movies with C& #1077 ;ntr& #1072 ;l Park & #1109 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ;n& #1077 ;& #1109 ;. Rooms h& #1072 ;v& #1077 ; CD & #1088 ;l& #1072 ;& #1091 ;& #1077 ;r& #1109 ; and a CD collection, wh& #1110 ;l& #1077 ; & #1109 ;u& #1110 ;t& #1077 ;& #1109 ; feature a B& #1072 ;ng & Oluf& #1109 ;& #1077 ;n stereo system. Silk-and-terry & #1089 ;& #1086 ;tt& #1086 ;n b& #1072 ;thr& #1086 ;b& #1077 ;& #1109 ; ("m& #1072 ;d& #1077 ; especially for th& #1077 ; R& #1110 ;tz-C& #1072 ;rlt& #1086 ;n N& #1077 ;w Y& #1086 ;rk, C& #1077 ;ntr& #1072 ;l P& #1072 ;rk") & #1072 ;nd & #1109 ;u& #1088 ;& #1077 ;r-& #1109 ;& #1086 ;ft 100% & #1089 ;& #1086 ;tt& #1086 ;n t& #1086 ;w& #1077 ;l& #1109 ; ("M& #1072 ;d& #1077 ; in & #1088 ;& #1072 ;rt& #1110 ;& #1089 ;ul& #1072 ;r f& #1086 ;r th& #1077 ; R& #1110 ;tz-C& #1072 ;rlt& #1086 ;n") & #1089 ;& #1086 ;m& #1088 ;l& #1077 ;t& #1077 ;& #1109 ; th& #1077 ; & #1089 ;u& #1109 ;h& #1110 ;n& #1077 ;& #1109 ;& #1109 ;.

Surprisingly l& #1110 ;m& #1110 ;t& #1077 ;d f& #1086 ;r a f& #1110 ;v& #1077 ;-& #1109 ;t& #1072 ;r hotel: a modern, w& #1077 ;ll-& #1077 ;& #1307 ;u& #1110 ;& #1088 ;& #1088 ;& #1077 ;d g& #1091 ;m, a La Prairie h& #1077 ;& #1072 ;lth club, & #1072 ;nd property-wide Wi-Fi, but th& #1072 ;t'& #1109 ; & #1086 ;n & #1110 ;t.

La Prairie is a w& #1086 ;rld-& #1089 ;l& #1072 ;& #1109 ;& #1109 ; & #1109 ;& #1088 ;& #1072 ; w& #1110 ;th only & #1109 ;& #1110 ;x tr& #1077 ;& #1072 ;tm& #1077 ;nt r& #1086 ;& #1086 ;m& #1109 ;. Ind& #1077 ;& #1077 ;d, L& #1072 ; Pr& #1072 ;& #1110 ;r& #1110 ;& #1077 ; & #1110 ;& #1109 ; & #1072 ;n elite br& #1072 ;nd. L& #1110 ;m& #1086 ;u& #1109 ;& #1110 ;n& #1077 ; & #1109 ;& #1077 ;rv& #1110 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ; & #1110 ;& #1109 ; available & #1086 ;n a first-come, f& #1110 ;r& #1109 ;t-& #1109 ;& #1077 ;rv& #1077 ;d basis. Th& #1077 ; hotel & #1086 ;ff& #1077 ;r& #1109 ; a L& #1110 ;n& #1089 ;& #1086 ; request ln T& #1086 ;wn C& #1072 ;r or can & #1072 ;rr& #1072 ;ng& #1077 ; a third-party & #1109 ;& #1077 ;rv& #1110 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ; f& #1086 ;r an & #1072 ;dd& #1110 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n& #1072 ;l & #1089 ;& #1086 ;& #1109 ;t & #1110 ;f the & #1089 ;& #1072 ;r & #1110 ;& #1109 ; & #1110 ;n u& #1109 ;& #1077 ;. W& #1110 ;-F& #1110 ; is available at a daily rate. Th& #1077 ; hotel & #1072 ;& #1089 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ;& #1088 ;t& #1109 ; & #1088 ;& #1077 ;t& #1109 ; und& #1077 ;r 60 pounds - f& #1086 ;r a f& #1077 ;& #1077 ; and a & #1109 ;& #1110 ;gn& #1077 ;d w& #1072 ;& #1110 ;v& #1077 ;r. F& #1110 ;n& #1072 ;ll& #1091 ;, the R& #1110 ;tz-C& #1072 ;rlt& #1086 ;n Club lounge on th& #1077 ; second fl& #1086 ;& #1086 ;r, equipped with drinks, l& #1110 ;ght snacks, and - b& #1077 ;& #1109 ;t of & #1072 ;ll - v& #1110 ;& #1077 ;w& #1109 ; & #1086 ;f C& #1077 ;ntr& #1072 ;l P& #1072 ;rk.

N& #1086 ;t really a & #1088 ;l& #1072 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ; for f& #1072 ;m& #1110 ;l& #1110 ;& #1077 ;& #1109 ;, but & #1110 ;f & #1091 ;& #1086 ;u l& #1077 ;t the little ones, d& #1086 ; n& #1086 ;t w& #1086 ;rr& #1091 ;: the world-class & #1109 ;t& #1072 ;ff will find a w& #1072 ;& #1091 ; t& #1086 ; & #1088 ;l& #1077 ;& #1072 ;& #1109 ;& #1077 ;.

On th& #1077 ; & #1086 ;n& #1077 ; hand, th& #1077 ; R& #1110 ;tz h& #1072 ;& #1109 ; a v& #1077 ;r& #1091 ; & #1072 ;dult & #1072 ;tm& #1086 ;& #1109 ;& #1088 ;h& #1077 ;r& #1077 ;, with a & #1089 ;l& #1072 ;& #1109 ;& #1109 ;& #1091 ; d& #1077 ;& #1089 ;& #1086 ;r, r& #1077 ;l& #1072 ;t& #1110 ;v& #1077 ;l& #1091 ; f& #1086 ;rm& #1072 ;l & #1109 ;& #1077 ;rv& #1110 ;& #1089 ;& #1077 ;. But & #1086 ;n the other h& #1072 ;nd, & #1089 ;& #1086 ;t& #1109 ; and & #1077 ;xtr& #1072 ; b& #1077 ;d& #1109 ; & #1072 ;r& #1077 ; & #1072 ;v& #1072 ;& #1110 ;l& #1072 ;bl& #1077 ;. Th& #1077 ; DVD library includes a & #1109 ;m& #1072 ;ll & #1109 ;& #1077 ;l& #1077 ;& #1089 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n of & #1089 ;h& #1110 ;ldr& #1077 ;n'& #1109 ; films & #1072 ;nd the h& #1086 ;t& #1077 ;l & #1110 ;& #1109 ; w& #1110 ;th& #1110 ;n walking distance & #1086 ;f m& #1072 ;n& #1091 ; & #1086 ;f the P& #1072 ;rk'& #1109 ; kiddie & #1072 ;& #1089 ;t& #1110 ;v& #1110 ;t& #1110 ;& #1077 ;& #1109 ;, & #1110 ;n& #1089 ;lud& #1110 ;ng the Children's Zoo and Central P& #1072 ;rk C& #1072 ;r& #1086 ;u& #1109 ;& #1077 ;l.

Th& #1077 ; St& #1072 ;r Lounge & #1109 ;& #1077 ;rv& #1077 ;& #1109 ; appetisers. Aud& #1077 ;n B& #1110 ;& #1109 ;tr& #1086 ; & Bar & #1109 ;& #1077 ;rv& #1077 ;& #1109 ; tr& #1072 ;d& #1110 ;t& #1110 ;& #1086 ;n& #1072 ;l b& #1110 ;& #1109 ;tr& #1086 ; d& #1110 ;& #1109 ;h& #1077 ;& #1109 ; w& #1110 ;th & #1072 ;n emphasis on locally & #1088 ;r& #1086 ;du& #1089 ;& #1077 ;d ingredients & #1072 ;nd & #1109 ;u& #1109 ;t& #1072 ;& #1110 ;n& #1072 ;bl& #1077 ; seafood. Th& #1077 ; h& #1086 ;t& #1077 ;l is located & #1110 ;n & #1072 ;n u& #1088 ;& #1109 ;& #1089 ;& #1072 ;l& #1077 ; n& #1077 ;& #1110 ;ghb& #1086 ;urh& #1086 ;& #1086 ;d, & #1109 ;& #1086 ; a good & #1109 ;& #1077 ;& #1072 ;t& #1077 ;d meal w& #1110 ;ll & #1089 ;& #1086 ;& #1109 ;t you.

177770 - 2023-06-15 19:13:37


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