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Risky Lunar Love

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Last time is saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show it seemed a little, well, dated. Its once keen edge has been blunted by the passage of time and countless immitators.

Now someone has tried to update the alien love machine concept with Risky Lunar Love, a Rocky Horror for today's desensitised musical lover.

It's billed as "the story of a sexy alien invader who manipulates the desires of two arch rival science-fiction writers in a bid to destroy our planet and colonise a new one!"

The show has been put together by some great local Australian talent who've worked on everything from The Matrix and Strictly Ballroom to Shall We Dance, and yes, the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Risky Lunar Love is playing at CarriageWorks, and you can buy tickets from TicketMaster.

Why? There is tentacle spanking, which is actually a registered fetish in Japan.
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When: 18 September - 4 October
Where: CarriageWorks
Cost: $30 to $55
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