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Rhubarb, Apple, and Mascarpone French Toast Recipe

Home > Adelaide > Food and Wine | Recipes
by Krystle McGill (subscribe)
Hello, My name is Krystle McGill. I am a freelance journalist living in Sydney. Please check out my blog at
Published February 8th 2012
This Rhubarb, Apple and Mascarpone French Toast is just mouth-watering. The soft texture and taste are exceptional.


2 apples, finely sliced
2 slices of rhubarb, trimmed
350g mascarpone
2 vanilla bean, seeds only
2 oranges
150g honey, plus extra to serve
1/2 cup raw caster sugar
8 thick slices of olive wholemeal bread
2 eggs, lightly beaten with 1/4 cup milk
60g butter, coarsely chopped

1. Cut two-thirds of the rhubarb into 2cm pieces, place in a colander, rinse under cold water and shake off excess. Slice the apples and set aside. Combine in a saucepan with sugar and add three pieces of orange rind removed with a peeler and juice of 1½ oranges. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves, then simmer until rhubarb is tender and mixture is thick (about 15 minutes). Remove from heat.

2. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200C. Cut remaining rhubarb into 5cm pieces and place in a single layer on an oven tray. Drizzle with 50g honey and squeeze over juice of remaining half orange. Roast until just tender and glazed (about 15 minutes), keep warm.

3. Combine mascarpone, vanilla seeds and remaining honey in a bowl. Mix until smooth.

4. Pour egg mixture into a shallow tray and set aside. Spread one side of each bread slice thickly with mascarpone mixture, then with rhubarb jam. Place slices bread-side down into egg mixture and stand until bread absorbs some of the mixture (about 1 minute). Heat half the butter in a frying pan over medium until butter foams. Add half the prepared bread, bread-side down, and cook until golden (about 2 minutes). Transfer to a baking paper-lined oven tray. Repeat with remaining bread, then bake until warmed through (about 5 minutes). Serve immediately with roast rhubarb and sliced apples and drizzled with extra honey.

This dish is best complimented with a side serving of ice-cream to sweeten those taste buds. Enjoy!
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Why? Its delicious, healthy and tasty
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